FieldTalk Modbus® Master Protocol Library
C++ Editions
FOCUS Software Engineering

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How to integrate the Protocol in your Application

Using Serial Protocols

Let's assume we want to talk to a Modbus slave device with slave address 1.

The registers for reading are in the reference range 4:00100 to 4:00119 and the registers for writing are in the range 4:00200 to 4:00219. The discretes for reading are in the reference range 0:00010 to 0:00019 and the discretes for writing are in the range 0:00020 to 0:00029.

1. Include the package header files

#include "MbusRtuMasterProtocol.hpp"

2. Device data profile definition

Define the data sets which reflects the slave's data profile by type and size:

short readRegSet[20];
short writeRegSet[20];
int readBitSet[20];
int writeBitSet[20];

If you are using floats instead of 16-bit shorts define:

float readFloatSet[10];
float writeFloatSet[10];
Note that because a float occupies two 16-bit registers the array size is half the size it would be for 16-bit shorts!

If you are using 32-bit ints instead of 16-bit shorts define:

long readLongSet[10];
long writeLongSet[10];
Note that because a long occupies two 16-bit registers the array size is half the size it would be for 16-bit shorts!

3. Declare and instantiate a protocol object

MbusRtuMasterProtocol mbusProtocol;

4. Open the protocol

   int result;

   result = mbusProtocol.openProtocol(portName,
                                      9600L, // Baudrate
                                      8,     // Databits
                                      1,     // Stopbits
                                      0);    // Parity
   if (result != FTALK_SUCCESS)
      fprintf(stderr, "Error opening protocol: %s!\n",

5. Perform the data transfer functions

6. Close the protocol port if not needed any more


7. Error Handling

Serial protocol errors like slave device failures, transmission failures, checksum errors and time-outs return an error code. The following code snippet can handle and report these errors:

   int result;

   result = mbusProtocol.readMultipleRegisters(1, 100, dataSetArray, 10);
   if (result != FTALK_SUCCESS)
      fprintf(stderr, "%s!\n", getBusProtocolErrorText(result));
      // Stop for fatal errors
      if (!(result & FTALK_BUS_PROTOCOL_ERROR_CLASS))

An automatic retry mechanism is available and can be enabled with mbusProtocol.setRetryCnt(3) before opening the protocol port.

Using MODBUS/TCP Protocol

Let's assume we want to talk to a Modbus slave device with unit address 1 and IP address

The registers for reading are in the reference range 4:00100 to 4:00119 and the registers for writing are in the range 4:00200 to 4:00219. The discretes for reading are in the reference range 0:00010 to 0:00019 and the discretes for writing are in the range 0:00020 to 0:00029.

1. Include the package header files

#include "MbusTcpMasterProtocol.hpp"

2. Device data profile definition

Define the data sets which reflects the slave's data profile by type and size:

short readRegSet[20];
short writeRegSet[20];
int readBitSet[10];
int writeBitSet[10];

If you are using floats instead of 16-bit shorts define:

float readFloatSet[10];
float writeFloatSet[10];
Note that because a float occupies two 16-bit registers the array size is half the size it would be for 16-bit shorts!

If you are using 32-bit ints instead of 16-bit shorts define:

long readLongSet[10];
long writeLongSet[10];
Note that because a long occupies two 16-bit registers the array size is half the size it would be for 16-bit shorts!

3. Declare and instantiate a protocol object

MbusTcpMasterProtocol mbusProtocol;

4. Open the protocol


5. Perform the data transfer functions

6. Close the connection if not needed any more


7. Error Handling

TCP/IP protocol errors like slave failures, TCP/IP connection failures and time-outs return an error code. The following code snippet can handle these errors:

   int result;

   result = mbusProtocol.readMultipleRegisters(1, 100, dataSetArray, 10);
   if (result != FTALK_SUCCESS)
      fprintf(stderr, "%s!\n", getBusProtocolErrorText(result));
      // Stop for fatal errors
      if (!(result & FTALK_BUS_PROTOCOL_ERROR_CLASS))

If the method returns FTALK_CONNECTION_WAS_CLOSED, it signals that the the TCP/IP connection was lost or closed by the remote end. Before using further data and control functions the connection has to be re-opened succesfully.
