We made TOP 5 in semifinals and TOP 8 in finnal at SECON 99!! |
The PACO team was composed by Eugene Snipes, and me (Rick Hormigo) as head of the team. The team was formated a month and a half before the competition in a sudden last time decision. In the beginning (October 98) there were two teams and several people in the USM wishing to compite in Kentucky. By end of January only one team with 5 people was working in a robot. This was the main reason why Eugene and me got together in the very last posible moment to build a second option robot to compite in Kentucky. After the project, we both graduated. I got my BS and Eugine his MS. Now I am working full time for PESA as a firmware engineer at Hutsville, AL, and studying a MSEE at UAH. Eugene is working full time for ALCATEL as an engineer at Dallas, TX. For further information go to our personal web, or email us:
Rick Hormigo Web: http://robotics.st.usm.edu/rick Eugine Snipes Email: eugene.snipes@usm.edu Eugene Snipes, left, and me (Rick Hormigo), right. in IEEE Secon 99, Lexington, KY. |