My Philmont Adventures




Venture Backpacking Crew

In 1990, I started a Venture Backpacking Crew associated with Troop 2 in Downingtown, PA. Our goal was a 50 miler on the North Country Trail in NW PA in the summer of 1991. We had so much fun on the trip, the idea was born to go to Philmont.

I devised a three year plan to get a good portion of the Troop to go, but someone always has to go first....

My 1993 Philmont Trek

In 1993, I went with the Chester County Council Contingent to Philmont. Being the only one from my troop meant I was put in with people might have met once or twice, but that was it. It was a great learning experience and gave me stories and photo's to drum up interest with some of the older boys in the troop. My hope was to return with at least two older boys the next year....

1994 Philmont Trek

In 1994 I returned with four of the senior leadership of the troop so they could be trained in the Philmont way to act as crew chiefs the following year. This crew was from two different troops (except one lone scout) and this also caused some problems in the "US vs THEM" category, but it was a great learning experience for the future crew chiefs.....

1995 TROOP 2 Philmont Trek

Finally got Troop 2 out, we had almost two full crews and trained crew chiefs! The plan worked!