FieldTalk Modbus® Master Protocol Library C++ Editions |
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Since then the Modbus protocol family has been established as vendor-neutral and open communication protocols, suitable for supervision and control of automation equipment.
One master and up to 247 slave devices can exist per network.
The protocol defines framing and message transfer as well as data and control functions.
The protocol does not define a physical network layer. Modbus works on different physical network layers. The serial protocol operates on RS 232, RS 422 and RS 485 physical networks. The TCP/IP protocol operates on all physical network layers supporting TCP/IP. This compromises 10BASE-T and 100BASE-T LANs as well as serial PPP and SLIP network layers.
FieldTalk implements the most commonly used functions for data transfer as well as some diagnostic functions. The functions to perform PLC program download and other device specific functions are outside the scope of FieldTalk.
All functions of conformance Class 0 and Class 1 have been implemented. In addition the most frequently used functions of conformance Class 2 have been implemented. This rich function set enables a user to solve nearly every Modbus data transfer problem.
The following table lists the available Modbus functions:
Function Code | Current Terminology | Classic Terminology |
Conformance Class 0 | ||
3 (03 hex) | Read Multiple Registers | Read Holding Registers |
16 (10 hex) | Write Multiple Registers | Preset Multiple Registers |
Conformance Class 1 | ||
1 (01 hex) | Read Coils | Read Coil Status |
2 (02 hex) | Read Inputs Discretes | Read Input Status |
4 (04 hex) | Read Input Registers | Read Input Registers |
5 (05 hex) | Write Coil | Force Single Coil |
6 (06 hex) | Write Single Register | Preset Single Register |
7 (07 hex) | Read Exception Status | Read Exception Status |
Conformance Class 2 | ||
15 (0F hex) | Force Multiple Coils | Force Multiple Coils |
22 (16 hex) | Mask Write Register | Mask Write Register |
23 (17 hex) | Read/Write Registers | Read/Write Registers |
Some Modbus functions support broadcasting. With functions supporting broadcasting, a master can send broadcasts to all slave devices of a network by using address identifier 0. Broadcasts are unconfirmed, there is no guarantee of message delivery. Therefore broadcasts should only be used for uncritical data like time synchronisation.
The register model is based on a series of tables which have distinguishing characteristics. The four tables are:
Table | Classic Terminology | Modicon® Register Table | Characteristics |
Discrete outputs | Coils | 0:00000 | 16-bit quantity, alterable by an application program, read-write |
Discrete inputs | Inputs | 1:00000 | Single bit, provided by an I/O system, read-only |
Input registers | Input registers | 3:00000 | 16-bit quantity, provided by an I/O system, read-only |
Output registers | Holding registers | 4:00000 | Single bit, alterable by an application program, read-write |
The Modbus protocol defines these areas very loose. The distinction between inputs and outputs and bit-addressable and register-addressable data items does not imply any slave specific behaviour. It is very common that slave devices implement all table as overlapping memory area.
For each of those tables, the protocol allows a maximum of 65536 data items to be accessed. It is slave dependant, which data items are accessible by a master. Typically a slave implements only a small memory area, for example of 1024 bytes, to be accessed.
All Modbus data function are based on the two elementary data types. These elementary data types are transferred in big-endian byte order.
Based on the elementary 16-bit register, any bulk information of any type can be exchanged as long as that information can be represented as a contiguous block of 16-bit registers. The protocol itself does not specify how 32-bit data and bulk data like strings is structured. Data representation depends on the slave's implementation and varies from device to device.
It is very common to transfer 32-bit float values and 32-bit integer values as pairs of two consecutive 16-bit registers in little-endian word order. However some manufacturers like Daniel and Enron implement an enhanced flavour of Modbus which supports 32-bit wide register transfers.
This FieldTalk's Modbus Master implementation defines functions for the most common tasks like:
This FieldTalk's Modbus Slave implementation defines services to
The type offset which selects the Modicon register table must not be passed to the FieldTalk functions. The register table is selected by choosing the corresponding function call as the following table illustrates.
Master Function Call | Modicon® Register Table |
readCoils(), writeCoil(), forceMultipleCoils() | 0:00000 |
readInputDiscretes | 1:00000 |
readInputRegisters() | 3:00000 |
writeMultipleRegisters(), readMultipleRegisters(), writeSingleRegister(), maskWriteRegister(), readWriteRegisters() | 4:00000 |
Modbus registers are numbered starting from 1. This is different to the conventional programming logic where the first reference is addressed by 0.
Modbus discretes are numbered starting from 1 which addresses the most significant bit in a 16-bit word. This is very different to the conventional programming logic where the first reference is addressed by 0 and the least significant bit is bit 0.
The following table shows the correlation between Discrete Numbers and Bit Numbers:
Modbus Discrete Number | Bit Number |
1 | 15 (hex 0x8000) |
2 | 14 (hex 0x4000) |
3 | 13 (hex 0x2000) |
4 | 12 (hex 0x1000) |
5 | 11 (hex 0x0800) |
6 | 10 (hex 0x0400) |
7 | 9 (hex 0x0200) |
8 | 8 (hex 0x0100) |
9 | 7 (hex 0x0080) |
10 | 6 (hex 0x0040) |
11 | 5 (hex 0x0020) |
12 | 4 (hex 0x0010) |
13 | 3 (hex 0x0008) |
14 | 2 (hex 0x0004) |
15 | 1 (hex 0x0002) |
16 | 0 (hex 0x0001) |
When exchanging register number and discrete number parameters with FieldTalk functions and methdos you have to use the Modbus register and discrete numbering scheme. (Internally the functions will deduct 1 from the start register value before transmitting the value to the slave device.)
The ASCII messaging is less efficient and less secure than the RTU messaging and therefore it should only be used to talk to devices which don't support RTU. Another application of the ASCII protocol are communication networks where the RTU messaging is not applicable because characters cannot be transmitted as a continuos stream to the slave device.
The ASCII messaging is state-less. There is no need to open or close connections to a particular slave device or special error recovery procedures.
A transmission failure is indicated by not receiving a reply from the slave. In case of a transmission failure, a master simply repeats the message. A slave which detects a transmission failure will discard the message without sending a reply to the master.
When using RTU protocol it is very important that messages are sent as continuous character stream without gaps. If there is a gap of more than 3.5 character times while receiving the message, a slave device will interpret this as end of frame and discard the bytes received.
The RTU messaging is state-less. There is no need to open or close connections to a particular slave device or special error recovery procedures.
A transmission failure is indicated by not receiving a reply from the slave. In case of a transmission failure, a master simply repeats the message. A slave which detects a transmission failure will discard the message without sending a reply to the master.
The MODBUS/TCP protocol uses binary encoding of data and TCP/IP's error detection mechanism for detection of transmission errors.
In contrast to the ASCII and RTU protocols MODBUS/TCP is a connection oriented protocol. It allows concurrent connections to the same slave as well as concurrent connections to multiple slave devices.
In case of a TCP/IP time-out or a protocol failure, a master shall close and re-open the connection and then repeat the message.
Copyright © 2002-2004
FOCUS Software Engineering Pty Ltd, Australia.
All rights reserved.
Please see the Notices page for trademark notices. Last updated: 26 May 2004 |